Our Fee Structure

Fees for the bachelor and one-bedroom flats include the main meal (lunch), electricity and water. Other services, such as laundry, handling and the administration of medicine may be acquired on top of the included services. See Services & Facilities for a list of available services.

Private Flats

Single Flats

Bed/sitting room with a separate bathroom and kitchenette.

R8 632.00 – per person per month

Double Flat

Large lounge/dining area with a separate double-bed bedroom with an en-suite bathroom and a separate kitchenette.

R9 378.00 – per person per month

For a full description please visit our Accommodation page.


Single Rooms
R10 098.00 per person per month

Frail Care Centre
R10 200.00 per person per month

For a full description please visit our Accommodation page.

This fee includes all meals, electricity, water and all other services including laundry and the administration of medicine.
All rooms / wards accommodate two occupants – both male or both female
The fee includes all meals, electricity, water and all other services including laundry and the administration of medicine, as well as 24-hour care and assistance.

Visiting Hours:

Mornings: 10.00am – 11. 00am
Afternoons: 3.00pm – 4.00pm
Evenings: 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Contact Details:

Email: info@homeriaabel.co.za
Tel: (021) 511 8119
Fax: 021 510 2982


3 – 13 Van Riebeeck Street
Brooklyn, Cape Town
Western Province