Our Available Services and Facilities

Services Available to Occupants of Flats

Residents occupying flats, although regarded as independent, may at a reasonable price acquire any or all of the services listed below:

  1. The ordering, handling and daily administration of medication
  2. Blood pressure tested and injections administered
  3. Testing of blood sugar
  4. Urine tests
  5. Meals to rooms – no charge in the event of sickness
  6. Assisted bathing or full wash
  7. Washing of hair
  8. Bed made up
  9. Laundry service

Meals (Independent living)

The monthly rental on all flats incorporates the cost of the main meal which is served at lunchtime each day. Residents of flats may choose to prepare their own breakfast and supper. But these meals can also be purchased:

  • Daily breakfast for R632.50 per month
  • A light supper will cost R690.00 per month

These meals may also be ordered on a random basis.


Safe parking is available to occupants of the flats free of charge. Remote control units used for opening the sliding gate to the complex may be obtained from reception.

Services Provided to Rooms and the Frail Care Centre

Residents of Rooms and Frail Care receive 24-hour hands-on care. Three meals a day and full care are included in the monthly rental.

Some of the many daily services include:

  • Special meals provided for diabetics and people with high cholesterol are provided where necessary
  • Residents are fed if necessary
  • All medication is handled by our staff as per prescription
  • Bathing (special bathing units) or full bed wash as required
  • Regular changing of nappies where required – residents are required to supply their own nappies
  • Changing of bandages
  • Blood pressure, blood sugar and temperature are monitored if and when required
  • The ambulance service (private or state) will be summoned in the event of an emergency and the family will be notified

Visiting Hours:

Mornings: 10.00am – 11. 00am
Afternoons: 3.00pm – 4.00pm
Evenings: 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Contact Details:

Email: info@homeriaabel.co.za
Tel: (021) 511 8119
Fax: 021 510 2982


3 – 13 Van Riebeeck Street
Brooklyn, Cape Town
Western Province